Все кастинги
Looking for actors
CASTING CALL: SHERIDAN STUDENT SHORT (7MIN) 3 PRINCIPLE ROLES - 2 F 20-25, and 1 F 25-35 - BLACK 2 MINOR ROLES (S.O.C.) - M, 30-40 ANY ETHNICITY SHOOTING IN BRAMPTON ON Auditions: Feb 4 2022- Feb 10 2022 (SELF TAPE) Shooting Starts: Feb 25 2022 Shooting Finishes: Feb 27 2022 Catering, transportation, and a copy of the project will be provided to actors Apply below or PM here or email me ch***@gmail.com for more questions and access to sides mandy.com/ca/project/812108/scavenger #bipoc MANDY.COM
Scavenger from The Mandy Network in
Gothic/Horror: After stealing a jewel to escape poverty, a woman seeks refuge in an apartment and finds love with a vampire and her mysterious intentions. Looking specifically for BIPOC actors
Scavenger from The Mandy Network in
Gothic/Horror: After stealing a jewel to escape poverty, a woman seeks refuge in an apartment and finds love with a vampire and her mysterious intentions. Looking specifically for BIPOC actors

Внимание Москва
Строго два дня
5.02 репетиция
6.02 съемки
Для нового исторического проекта.
Под рабочим ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽

Для съëмки полного метра "Анна"
Смена 19.02 или 20.02
Требуются мужчины и женщины! ...
Оплата: 2500 ₽

I'm looking to hire an Orlando actress or actor to play a news reporter for a meeting deposition with a Florida ...
Оплата: 100 $