Все кастинги
Need actors
Dear Actresses and Actors of Budapest, We ( Regina Turóczi and myself) are seeking the members of our future theatre company. There is an American play which premiered Off-Broadway in New York (3 female and 2 male roles) we are currently looking to produce in Budapest. We are in need of another actress, 2 actors and also an aspiring director who would form our core team. We already have a professional set designer from the UK in our team who offered help and we are looking for further members who also have a professional mindset and a dedicated personality to produce quality work. Open roles' description: Female character: age 25-35 Male character #1: age 25-45 Male character #2: age 25-40 The play... More

Требуются модели 2 девушки для съемки спортивных костюмов, толстовок и джоггеров для маркетплейсов.
Возраст: 25-35. ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽ per hour

SEEKING: SFX and Cosmetic Makeup Artist for short film, Room for Daisy, which follows a victim of sex trafficking. All ...
Оплата: Not paid

LOOKING FOR CHILD ACTOR, FEMALE Casting for "Cold Ground," a short form gothic horror. DANNY: 12-15, is smart, witty ...
Оплата: By agreement