Все кастинги
#Abu Dhabi
Looking for photographers
We are looking for a female photographer to work in Abu Dhabi( UAE)
- having experience in wedding and models photoshoot
- photos and video editing
kindly send your CV and samples of your work +971 ***
- having experience in wedding and models photoshoot
- photos and video editing
kindly send your CV and samples of your work +971 ***

Hello, I need a photographer with white background to come and take pictures of a large product. I have tried every ...
Оплата: By agreement

Нужны актеры мужчины 25-45 лет со знанием Венгерского или румынского, словенского языка для съемки рекламного ролика ...
Оплата: By agreement

Для съёмок ролика 31.01 ищу:
Должник - молодой человек 23-30 лет. РЕФЕРЕНС НА ФОТО. Проф. актёр! Ставка: 7000
Быть ...
Оплата: 7000 ₽