Looking for females for a video shoot


Adidas Commercial Casting Call for a TON of Roles.

Age: females all ages
Location: Worldwide, all countries
Genre: TV Production
Status: Applications now open Full details:

Adidas commercial is now casting athletes, models, and more for an upcoming photo and video shoot for a new advertising campaign.

Producers are looking Worldwide for the following types:

Street Style Models
Soccer Players and Keepers
Teen Models
Olympic Style Lifters
Trainers and Lifters
Athletes and Models
Swimmers and Divers
Basketball Players
Handball Players

Payment: All models will be paid 1250 dollars per day with the shoot expected to last no more than 2 days total. Expenses & travel also covered.

Apply soon to avoid missing out.

Red Bashh
WhatsApp: +91 ***
Suraj Singh
24 янв 2022 в 17:36
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