Все кастинги
Looking for models for shooting clothing brand
Seeking ALT models for TFP clothing brand shoot. Looking for heavy tattoos, piercings, colored hair etc. Please send me a DM if interested! Thanks.
www.badfortuneapparel.com BADFORTUNEAPPAREL.COM
Bad Fortune Apparel
Tattoo-inspired independent clothing brand. We collaborate with artists all over the world to create unique pieces for those inspired by traditional ideas.
www.badfortuneapparel.com BADFORTUNEAPPAREL.COM
Bad Fortune Apparel
Tattoo-inspired independent clothing brand. We collaborate with artists all over the world to create unique pieces for those inspired by traditional ideas.
* UPDATED CASTING CALL (January 18, 2022)
Due to additional resources being allocated for this project we have ...
Оплата: По договоренности
Всем хорошего дня!
Ищем актрису на вторую главную роль в проекте!
Возраст 20-28 лет.
Съёмки в ...
Оплата: По договоренности
#Съемки клипа
Дата: 06.02.
Гонорар: 5 000
Возраст: 22-27 лет
Ищем: профессиональную #танцовщицу, в своем костюме, ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽