Все кастинги
Need good-looking, slim female models
Project Number -324
International shoot
Need 3 good looking model girls
Plus size model or slim model
Nude body painting PHOTOSHOOT
Budget - per day 3Lac to 7Lac (depand your profile and work)
Location - south africa & Netherlands
No age limit
Any female model interested then DM me
International shoot
Need 3 good looking model girls
Plus size model or slim model
Nude body painting PHOTOSHOOT
Budget - per day 3Lac to 7Lac (depand your profile and work)
Location - south africa & Netherlands
No age limit
Any female model interested then DM me
Audition on Sunday. Need a new faces male and female models.. contact me ASAP...audition will be on karachi
Оплата: Per accordo
Thankyou for the overwhelming response on my last post!
I'm also looking for a female model for an upcoming video ad ...
Оплата: Per accordo
Looking for a model and a makeup artist for a fashion shoot. Photos will be submitted to multiple magazines! Model will ...
Оплата: Per accordo