Все кастинги
Looking for English-speaking hostesses
We are looking for English speaking hostess for Arab Health in Dubai.
Working days *** of January
Working hours- from 10 to 18
Location- DWTC
Duties- to work as a sales assistant and to help a manager.
Payment- 100 USD per day.
It is important to have a possibility to work all days.
Please send us your CV and photos to du***@litemodels.ru with theme "Arab Health"
Working days *** of January
Working hours- from 10 to 18
Location- DWTC
Duties- to work as a sales assistant and to help a manager.
Payment- 100 USD per day.
It is important to have a possibility to work all days.
Please send us your CV and photos to du***@litemodels.ru with theme "Arab Health"

Именно тот город, куда снова и снова хочется возвращаться!
Работа в центре Рима (7км от Колизей) Работа для девушек - ...
Оплата: 200 €

На съемку юмористического шоу ищем мужчину 35-50 лет, типаж как на фото
Занятость: репетиция 20.12(ЧТ) - с 12:30 до ...
Оплата: 2000 UAH

Москва! Для съемки в рекламном ролике нам нужны:
актриса 45-55 лет;
дублёр Отара Кушанашвили
актриса - 30000 ...
Оплата: By agreement