Required females and males

Clara Mayumi 15 January at 11:54 Casting call for an informational AVP (vlog type)

22-35 yrs. old
With video shoot experience
Visually appealing (looks trustworthy)
Fully-vaccinated without COVID-19 symptoms and cleared on test once chosen Talent Fee:
Actor - 1,500 per day
Speakership/Hosting - 3,000 per day
Extra/Cameo (could be a man) - 500 per day

Send sample works or deliver the lines below:
Hello! Our event is coming up. And as we all prepare for its approach in the midst of a global pandemic, it is important that you, as a participant, are aware of the various health and safety protocols that are required to be observed before, during, and after its conduct under the New Normal.

Interested? Please send your Curriculum Vitae/Resume to ma***

Note: ONLY those who wish to be in the Speakership/Hosting are needed to send sample works, while resume/CV with head shots will suffice for the rest.
Josh Redroot
18 Gen. 2022 alle 10:17
Accedi o registrati per accedere ai dati di contatto di questo casting.
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