Все кастинги
Wanted females
Hi all! We are looking for a female model between the 30-65 years old, who wants to play model for the brand Shakeplus. Shakeplus helps women with weight loss through high-quality shakes, and there will be photos / videos shot + spoken review videos for Social Media. This assignment is:
Easy to shoot at home
About 1 hour of work
Clear briefing + script provided
Compensation of: £50 + FREE products Interested? Then send an email to ri***@drtraffic.nl
In short, we know what fun content we need. And now we need performers! For more information about Shakeplus, please visit their website: SHAKEPLUS.CO.UK
Lose weight the safe and healthy way
Slim, fit, and confident! Lose weight the safe and healthy way with Shakeplus meal replacement shakes. No artificial additives, great taste, and now with free personal coaching. Leaves you full and satisfied, giving you all the nutrients you need.
Hi all! We are looking for a female model between the 30-65 years old, who wants to play model for the brand Shakeplus. Shakeplus helps women with weight loss through high-quality shakes, and there will be photos / videos shot + spoken review videos for Social Media. This assignment is:
Easy to shoot at home
About 1 hour of work
Clear briefing + script provided
Compensation of: £50 + FREE products Interested? Then send an email to ri***@drtraffic.nl
In short, we know what fun content we need. And now we need performers! For more information about Shakeplus, please visit their website: SHAKEPLUS.CO.UK
Lose weight the safe and healthy way
Slim, fit, and confident! Lose weight the safe and healthy way with Shakeplus meal replacement shakes. No artificial additives, great taste, and now with free personal coaching. Leaves you full and satisfied, giving you all the nutrients you need.

На 20.01 (четверг)
Ищем девушку-модель для съемки рекламного видеоролика для модели увлажнителя воздуха ...
Оплата: 1000 ₽ в час

Для съёмок тизера будущего проекта ищем типажей похожих на Николу Теслу, Леонардо да Винчи и Фриду Кало. Важно ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽

Нужна актриса девушка 28-40 лет европейской внешности для съемки разговорного рекламного ролика г. Киев
Дата и время: ...
Оплата: 800 грн