Все кастинги
Looking for models
Hello, We are looking for new models to work with us at 97th Vintage for our new social media and website content. Male and female models aged 18-24 that are flexible with dates throughout the next month.
East Tilbury, Essex based studio
www.97thvintage.com / www.instagram.com/97***
Please email me at be***@97thvintage.com with your portfolio links and rates if you are interested in this.; 97thvintage via instagram.com
East Tilbury, Essex based studio
www.97thvintage.com / www.instagram.com/97***
Please email me at be***@97thvintage.com with your portfolio links and rates if you are interested in this.; 97thvintage via instagram.com

Нужны девушки модели 18-25 лет с разговорным уровнем английского языка для фото- и видеосъемки Ютуб канала г. Киев ...
Оплата: 2500 UAH

TFP Looking for female models in London:
Great chance to have your portfolio updated!
aged 18-32
165cm height or more ...
Оплата: Not paid

Добрый день, для съемки видео в сторис, в бизнес-такси Адреналин, нужен актер. Оплата 2000р за 30 минут, нужно будет ...
Оплата: 2000 ₽