Все кастинги
#Kuala Lumpur
Looking for English-speaking females
We are looking for host / talents to introduce and present the Product / Service (video shooting). If interested, please email your resume to bm***@gmail.com. Products: Food, Beauty products, Electrical household products, Furniture & Interior design. Qualification:
Female only
Proper facial features & fresh looking face
Can speak Malay / English fluently (as long as communicable)
Interactive performance and able to talk naturally in front of the camera
Priority to those with experience. If interested, please the following information:
Personal Instagram & Facebook Account
Full name, age, height and weight
Short self introduction & past experience
Your direct contact detail - WhatsApp number
Please email your resume to bm***@gmail.com. Job #h199944
Female only
Proper facial features & fresh looking face
Can speak Malay / English fluently (as long as communicable)
Interactive performance and able to talk naturally in front of the camera
Priority to those with experience. If interested, please the following information:
Personal Instagram & Facebook Account
Full name, age, height and weight
Short self introduction & past experience
Your direct contact detail - WhatsApp number
Please email your resume to bm***@gmail.com. Job #h199944

На 10-11 февраля нужна девочка и мальчик 116 (+-2см) см, на сьемку бренду (каталог) занятость 1-2 часа, ставка ...
Оплата: 1000 ₽ per hour

1. На 18.01. Требуются #девушки и #парни для съёмок в ютуб. Снимаем постановочное интервью в 19.00. Занятость 1-2 часа. ...
Оплата: 2000 ₽

Требуются модели на кальянный фестиваль Hookah Club Show 2022!
Идет набор на 2 стенда, функционал идентичный, можно ...
Оплата: 19000 ₽