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Searching for Chinese females and males
PAID JOB Project Type: Video shoot Shoot Period: Week of 7 Feb (2 to 4 full days of shoot) CASTING CALL FOR:
1. School Principal
Gender: Female
Age: Late 30s to 40s
Race: Chinese
2. Doctor J
Gender: Male
Age: Early 30s
Race: Indian
3. Primary school student H
Gender: Male
Age: 10 - 12 years old
Race: Malay... More
1. School Principal
Gender: Female
Age: Late 30s to 40s
Race: Chinese
2. Doctor J
Gender: Male
Age: Early 30s
Race: Indian
3. Primary school student H
Gender: Male
Age: 10 - 12 years old
Race: Malay... More

Shopping Mall Brand Video.
Hi all, we are looking for the below talents for a mall video shoot
1. 1 Family (Father, ...
Оплата: By agreement

Добрый вечер, на 27 числа, примерно 17-18.00 нужно 6 моделей на условиях TFP(фото для примера, что примерно будет) для ...
Оплата: Not paid

Models required for upcoming Music Album shoot in Delhi NCR SUNMEDIA Fashion Model Delhi Contract ...
Оплата: By agreement