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Looking for European female for a video shoot
Looking for a European Female Model for a Motorcycle Photo & Video Shoot. Also looking for a motorcycle to use, not to ride, but to pose on and around. Location is flexible, will probably be at the same location the motorbike is. Duration - 2 hours max Paid Shoot, TBD
Hi all!
Urgent! We are looking for beauty model for a video and beauty editorial!
This is a Paid Role!
Shooting: ...
Оплата: По договоренности
I am looking for 10 female models for international magazine cover photo shoot. per day starts from one lakh. whatsapp ...
Оплата: По договоренности
Г. Киев Для съемки разговорного рекламного ролика мобильного приложения нужен актер мужчины 20-50 лет со знанием! ...
Оплата: По договоренности