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Urgently looking for Chinese actors
Hi, we are group of poly students, working on our final year project and we are looking for actors.
Title: 人情粿 Rekindle
Logline: As a passionless hawker gets older, he must find a successor to pass down his tradition before he is forced to shut down his stall.
Language: Mainly Chinese
1. Father, Male, screen age 50s-60s, Chinese, Can speak Hokkien 2. Hawker Son, Male, screen age 18-25, Chinese
Date: 22 Jan, Saturday (half day)
If you are interested, please submit your application to ha***@gmail.com, with the subject title, "YOUR NAME_REKINDLE_(NAME OF ROLE)". Please include your CV or links to your past work and photos of yourself.
*Only shortlisted applicants will be notified.
Thank you!
Hi, we are group of poly students, working on our final year project and we are looking for actors.
Title: 人情粿 Rekindle
Logline: As a passionless hawker gets older, he must find a successor to pass down his tradition before he is forced to shut down his stall.
Language: Mainly Chinese
1. Father, Male, screen age 50s-60s, Chinese, Can speak Hokkien 2. Hawker Son, Male, screen age 18-25, Chinese
Date: 22 Jan, Saturday (half day)
If you are interested, please submit your application to ha***@gmail.com, with the subject title, "YOUR NAME_REKINDLE_(NAME OF ROLE)". Please include your CV or links to your past work and photos of yourself.
*Only shortlisted applicants will be notified.
Thank you!

Россия! ( готовы привезти актера в Москву или приехать в его город)
Ищу актера, похожего на Джейсона Стэтхэма, рост ...
Оплата: By agreement

Ищем модель на завтра, в четверг.
Съёмка на мобильный телефон.
Рост до 172см
м. Электрозаводская
Съёмка с ...
Оплата: By agreement

Ищем модель на завтра, четверг
Съемка на мобильный телефон
Рост до 172см
м. Электрозаводская
Сьемка с 13:00 ...
Оплата: By agreement