Все кастинги
Looking for models
We're looking for models for an upcoming catalogue shoot for tier-1 salons and local businesses. The requirements are as follows.
Male Model [Height, Age no bar, but should be comfortable getting hair altered/coloured a bit]
Female Model [Height, Age no bar, but should be comfortable getting hair altered/coloured a bit]
Please send your profiles/portfolios, and your per day/per project fees/charges to wh***@retake.in
We're looking for models for an upcoming catalogue shoot for tier-1 salons and local businesses. The requirements are as follows.
Male Model [Height, Age no bar, but should be comfortable getting hair altered/coloured a bit]
Female Model [Height, Age no bar, but should be comfortable getting hair altered/coloured a bit]
Please send your profiles/portfolios, and your per day/per project fees/charges to wh***@retake.in
*Searching Passionate Female Model or Artist*
*This is Collab* Project For
*Big Screen Hindi Feature Film*
Оплата: По договоренности
Дата съёмки: 12.01
Неполная смена
Снимаем в Подмосковье
Сбор метро Тропарево
Роль: официанты
Продолжение ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽
Москва | Завтра 12.01. |
Гонорар 1.500₽ | Парни и Девушки модельной внешности от 18 до 26 лет
Приглашаем принять ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽