Required photographers

Wedding Photographers:
I am looking to hire 1-2 photographers for 2nd photographer duties. We already have 4-5 weddings that will need this additional shooter and expect 10-15 for the year. Position will include training and mentoring. Details:

-$40-60/hr depending on experience
-1099-MISC for 6 month contract, possibly move to W2 in long term
-Title "2nd Associate Photographer"
-Must have own camera, lenses, and on-camera flash. Prefer Godox ocf so your triggers will work with our equipment.
-Prefer Sony or Canon but not required
-Must have your own business liability insurance
-must be willing to travel
-prefer experience with back-to-back weddings if possible If interested please send me the following:
1. link to your Instagram or social with work samples
2. link to your website if you have one
3. list of your experience
Andrew Davidson
11 Jan 2022 at 10:48 pm
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