Все кастинги #San Francisco

Looking for models for a photoshoot

A non-profit organisation company is looking for male & female models for a paid shoot for a new project.
No size restrictions
No location restrictions
No experience restrictions
Age restrictions (16 and below not allowed)
Restrictions on Nudes
Tattoos and piercings are also welcome.
Total pay for the job is $3200 Submission and inquiries: Send your name, social media handles, head and body shot to ti***@gmail.com if interested.
visit our website www.projectfrontlinehealth.com for more information.


NOTE: I am not the organiser, but I completed my shoot few days ago, and I thought it would be helpful to share here as models are still being searched for before the magazine launch. Thank you
Patricia Faith Taylor
11 Gen. 2022 alle 05:15
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