Need Asian, Caucasian females and males for a video shoot

We are still on the lookout for a selection of actors/models for a 1 day video shoot on a Yacht (updated).
The video will be about a new product that works with keeping connectivity no matter where one is in the ocean.

2x Caucasian Males (40s or 50s)
1x Caucasian or Asian Female (40s)
1x Caucasian or Eurasian male (early 20s) PAY:
HK$4,500 per role

1 day (9 hours) between the 26th and 28th of Jan (Weather dependant)

Talent is expected to bring their own wardrobe.
There will be a swimming scene towards the end of the day
Only HK residents and those with the right to work in Hong Kong

Please send compards and/or showreels to in*** (I cannot help via personal messages on facebook)
Sandra Bakker
11 янв 2022 в 01:18
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