Looking for males

Casting Call - UNPAID, York based ADMAN is the love story of Darius and Adam and the corrupting influence marketing has over their memories together. Shoot dates (TBC) - 4th-18th February Travel, Accommodation and Food covered
SEEKING: Leading Roles: DARIUS (male 20-30, all ethnic groups welcome), who sold his soul to advertisement. He is extraverted, attractive, confident, kind and generous. He enjoys wearing bright colors and make-up but becomes sometimes too materialistic in his relationship. He also seems ignorant on the real world issues due to his advertised-perception of reality. ADAM (male 20-30, all ethnic groups welcome), Darius's boyfriend. Adam is more of a rule-breaker who enjoys a minimalistic life away from the capitalist norms. He is quite a realistic person who knows the value of hard-work. He struggles with the fact that Darius sold his soul to adverts yet he still loves him a lot.
Other roles on poster. Apply on ad***@gmail.com (Topic: ADMAN Casting) Find us ADMAN @ad***
Benedek Zsófia
9 Gen. 2022 alle 19:02
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Для студийной съемки требуется девушка-модель
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Оплата: Per accordo
Нужны визажисты на съемку
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Оплата: 10000 ₹