Все кастинги
Looking for actors for film
Hello, My name is Bryson Schultz. I am the casting director for a Wright University senior short film titled Theater Near You being directed by Lindsey Kibler. We are looking for people interested in being an extra for the shoot on the dates of January 14th (8:30am-9:00pm), January 17th (10:00am-10:30pm), or both. If you are interested please send an email to br***@gmail.com or ki***@wright.edu with your full name, email, phone number, headshot, and an indication if you can come on one of the days or both if you are available to come to set. If only one day works please tell us which date.
Looking for fresher female model for music video dress type: Traditional payment:500
Workshop: sunday location: Bally ...
Оплата: 500 ₹
Casting call for a non-speaking product video.
Looking for a male and a female in their late twenties to early ...
Оплата: 20 $ all'ora
*Looking for TALENT for nationwide SKIING campaign - PAID - NON-UNION*
ISO: 3 x skiers/snowboarders, age 20-30
Must ...
Оплата: Per accordo