Wanted models

*Models wanted for Powder brow, combination brow and microblading*

I'm looking for brow models to build my tattooing portfolio, after training at one of Melbourne's top training facilities.

Procedures types:
Powder brow, Microblading and Combo Brow

Dates and Times:
Powder Brows: 22.1.2022 11am and 2pm
Microblading: 23.1.2022 11am and 2pm
Combo Brow: 24.1.2022 1:30pm Requirement:
double vaccinated
Over 18 years of age.
Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
must be off Roaccutane for a year.
no Laser treatments, chemical peels or other medical procedures to the facial area for at least 8 weeks.
you need to wait at least 2 weeks after botox.
not on Chemotherapy. Only... More
Jasmine Mesics
7 янв 2022 в 15:58
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Required female models
Required female models and actress for upcoming projects for more details ping me
Оплата: По договоренности
Требуется девушка на фотосъемку одежды
Добрый вечер! Ищу модель девушку для съёмки одежды Размер L Рост: 170-174 Коммерция
Оплата: По договоренности
Need actors
We need Actors if anyone get chance in acting then contact 8448206303
Оплата: По договоренности