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#Los Angeles
Need models for shooting clothing brand
G of G Inc is looking for 2 models/brand ambassadors of any and all sizes to join a team for the following:
Type of promo: guerilla stunt for an inclusive sizing clothing brand at Super Bowl
Type of rep: comfortable keeping to the beat of music with some simple dance moves, we are looking for reps of all sizes
Wearing: reps will be wearing attire from the brand
Pay: $30 an hr
Location: Los Angeles
Date: Feb 13
Time: 10am-7pm
What you would be doing: In a guerrilla-style stunt, this all inclusive sizing clothing brand is creating a body-inclusive cheerleading squad to perform during LA Super Bowl tailgates while wearing the brands attire. Staff just need to be able to perform simple moves on the beat (don't need dance training but able to keep beat and comfortable follow simple moves).
Please email me***@gofginc.com with a resume and a variety of photos if you are interested and available. We look forward to hearing from you!
Type of promo: guerilla stunt for an inclusive sizing clothing brand at Super Bowl
Type of rep: comfortable keeping to the beat of music with some simple dance moves, we are looking for reps of all sizes
Wearing: reps will be wearing attire from the brand
Pay: $30 an hr
Location: Los Angeles
Date: Feb 13
Time: 10am-7pm
What you would be doing: In a guerrilla-style stunt, this all inclusive sizing clothing brand is creating a body-inclusive cheerleading squad to perform during LA Super Bowl tailgates while wearing the brands attire. Staff just need to be able to perform simple moves on the beat (don't need dance training but able to keep beat and comfortable follow simple moves).
Please email me***@gofginc.com with a resume and a variety of photos if you are interested and available. We look forward to hearing from you!
Hi! I'm looking for a model for this weekend for a creative project in the snow in the Tricities. I would love to ...
Оплата: Not paid
Важно Со знанием английского языка
Утверждение по заданию
Конкуренты не важны
Ролик для внутреннего использования. ...
Оплата: 16000 ₽
Need models soon for two photoshoots
intersted models /freshers can inbox and discuss for details
high cash payments ...
Оплата: By agreement