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#Salt Lake City
Searching for males
Hi guys I'm one half of Fatal Blush and we're a feminist photography brand that centers around expression of feminine sexuality and empowerment. We're looking specifically for non-binary models and models of color to join us on Tuesday Jan. 4th for a casting couch role reversal shoot and a menstrual cycle/moon cycle inspired shoot! I've placed some concept images below! If this is you and you'd like to add another shoot or two to your portfolio and have your work showcased on instagram please message me or fill out our "work with us" form on fatalblushmag.com
Hi guys I'm one half of Fatal Blush and we're a feminist photography brand that centers around expression of feminine sexuality and empowerment. We're looking specifically for non-binary models and models of color to join us on Tuesday Jan. 4th for a casting couch role reversal shoot and a menstrual cycle/moon cycle inspired shoot! I've placed some concept images below! If this is you and you'd like to add another shoot or two to your portfolio and have your work showcased on instagram please message me or fill out our "work with us" form on fatalblushmag.com

1. Требуются девочки для работы с #аквагримом в крокус сити холл 7 и 8 января. Обучение аквагрим есть. Вся информация в ...
Оплата: 4500 ₽

Kurt Treblig Palmeria 10 hrs Want me to be your personal and company model on clothes, skin care/beauty products and ...
Оплата: By agreement

Casting for Print shoot and digital ad (for popular Clothing brand)
Age group:
Girl / Boy:- 2 to 14yrs
Young ...
Оплата: By agreement