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#Salt Lake City
Searching for female for a video shoot
Compensation: $75 plus photos & video for your portfolio
Hey everyone, I'm looking to collaborate with 1 female model or actor(age 23 and up) for a photography/video shoot. Please send me a link to your portfolio if you are interested(photo and video if you have both). This could also be 2 people if you want to bring someone but I can only afford $75 total. This could be a husband and wife, 2 friends, a parent and child, etc. This shoot is to promote a brand and future short film.
Instagram & FB: @me***
Theme: You escaped a zombie apocalypse in the city and are surviving out of a mid-sized SUV in the wilderness.
Location: Not sure yet but probably within 45 min of SLC. Maybe near... More
Hey everyone, I'm looking to collaborate with 1 female model or actor(age 23 and up) for a photography/video shoot. Please send me a link to your portfolio if you are interested(photo and video if you have both). This could also be 2 people if you want to bring someone but I can only afford $75 total. This could be a husband and wife, 2 friends, a parent and child, etc. This shoot is to promote a brand and future short film.
Instagram & FB: @me***
Theme: You escaped a zombie apocalypse in the city and are surviving out of a mid-sized SUV in the wilderness.
Location: Not sure yet but probably within 45 min of SLC. Maybe near... More

На 4 января нужны очень КРАСИВЫЕ модели, на тусовку К моему хорошему другу в загородный дом на барбекю (все прилично, ...
Оплата: 4500 ₽

CRUISE SHIP CONTRACT, CASTING FOR SINGERS THAT CAN DANCE! We are auditioning for production VOCALISTS, to be part of ...
Оплата: By agreement

Приглашаем модель на окрашивание с учетом пожеланий
11 января в 12:00.
1400 рублей.
Запись по тел. ...
Оплата: 1400 ₽