Все кастинги
Need females for a photoshoot
Need hot girls for shoot..
25000 per day...
Shoot will be in your nearest place..
Vedio call audition must.. Need hot girls for shoot..
25000 per day...
Shoot will be in your nearest place..
Vedio call audition must..
25000 per day...
Shoot will be in your nearest place..
Vedio call audition must.. Need hot girls for shoot..
25000 per day...
Shoot will be in your nearest place..
Vedio call audition must..

Ищем девушку для съемок в Instagram, для магазинов женской верхней одежды в г. Омске
Примерки моделей ...
Оплата: By agreement

Need 8 female models for saree western nd jewellery shoots interested inbox me Need 8 female models for saree western ...
Оплата: By agreement

Съёмки с начала Января
Несколько съёмочных дней
Ищем, проф или игровых Актеров
Игровой возраст ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽ per shift