Все кастинги
#Los Angeles
Looking for models
1-2 Female and 1 Male Model | Remote | Recurring Monthly Payments Hi! We are looking for models for a long-term partnership with recurring work from home. Company/Shoot: Health-focused eyewear brand. Content for social media expansion. Must: Have experience in taking professional-looking social media pictures. An active healthy lifestyle background is a plus. Compensation: Paid. Negotiable. 2-4 pictures per month. Location: Remote work from home (Living in the US). Photos: Instagram-type lifestyle photos. Age: 25-50 years old.
Please fill this form out: forms.gle/w4q6UYjcxLW7Qrrt9
Please contact me via Facebook if you have any questions.
Please fill this form out: forms.gle/w4q6UYjcxLW7Qrrt9
Please contact me via Facebook if you have any questions.

Required professional models or actress for youtube prank video shoot in mumbai.
*Who have good followers on social ...
Оплата: By agreement

Кастинг Москва
Права: Три месяца, РФ, интернет весь мир
Коллбэк - 7 января
Примерка - 9 января
Съемка - ...
Оплата: 600 ₽ per hour

We'll be casting soon for the upcoming SoCal Fashion Show (to be held in Irvine, California this spring).
Want to be ...
Оплата: By agreement