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Looking for males for a video shoot
Hi all, Onedash22 is looking for talents for an upcoming corporate video shoot. Please find details below:
Shoot window:
24 Jan 7PM - 7AM
25 Jan 7PM - 7AM
(Based on your role)
1. Adult man
- 20 - 30 y/o
- Chinese
Please send recent photographs (clear, good lighting, no filters) to be***@gmail.com & CC al***@gmail.com.Subject the email as "SG (_Role_)"
Do note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted to send in a self-casting clip. Thank you.
Hi all, Onedash22 is looking for talents for an upcoming corporate video shoot. Please find details below:
Shoot window:
24 Jan 7PM - 7AM
25 Jan 7PM - 7AM
(Based on your role)
1. Adult man
- 20 - 30 y/o
- Chinese
Please send recent photographs (clear, good lighting, no filters) to be***@gmail.com & CC al***@gmail.com.Subject the email as "SG (_Role_)"
Do note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted to send in a self-casting clip. Thank you.

[CASTING CALL / PAID] Hi everyone, Smallshop is casting featured roles for an upcoming short film project. Shoot will ...
Оплата: By agreement

M.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2639322513029717&id=100008559825569 Cher Rosas is looking for Freelance ...
Оплата: By agreement

JOIN NOW! Be a Commercial Model and Brand Ambassador !
*Winners will be featured in Magazine, Newsprint and will ...
Оплата: By agreement