Wanted males

I've gotten several messages from people about their posts and comments being blocked from our groups. Just got a guy calling me lame... his profile looks like a teenager with a $10 camera! He wanted to contact pro models to pose for him for FREE. FB has made a big mistake allowing anyone to join groups.
Previously when someone asked to join I would review their profile. This way I could see if they are a professional photog/agent/hmua/model. Now they get in... and start posting comments. I don't have the time to spend policing FB and you have no idea how many rude comments people post. Also, the "hey baby you're hot" comments are fun but not usually from professionals. I'm hoping we're... More
Bruce Gast
15 Dec 2021 at 6:46 pm
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Нужны девушки
Уже завтра, оплата после смены! Нужны упаковщицы товаров от магазина Домаркет! Ставка за смену: 8 часов + час ...
Оплата: 2000 ₽
Looking for models for a photoshoot
Hi everyone, I'm looking for models for jewellery photoshoot. It's Paid work. Contact me. +971555607501
Оплата: By agreement
Требуется диджей со своей аппаратурой на постоянную работу
Требуется диджей на постоянную основу Зарплата 5 тыс. за смену С опытом работы на музыкальной аппаратуре Звонить: ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽ per shift