Все кастинги #Salt Lake City

Searching for photographer

Hello! My name is Rachel Coker. I am currently searching for a photographer to take my family photos this month. My mother was interested in St. George or the Salt Flats, but we are open to any other options as well. We are located in Utah county. Please message me your rates and availability. It would be 9 adults and potentially 2 dogs. (Family pictured below. Closest thing to a family photo we have had for a while) I am also interested in getting into modeling. I have a sweet husband that we could do couple or bridal pictures or I can just model for tfp. I am usually available on weekends or weekdays in the evening. If you would like to collaborate, please let me know! Photo credit: instagram.com/rg***
Rachel Coker
4 Dec 2021 at 1:11 am
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Need photographers
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Оплата: 150 $
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Оплата: 5000 UAH
Need beautiful model
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Оплата: By agreement