Looking for Chinese males

Corporate video

Hi all. We're casting 2 main talents to be part of our corporate video.

Rehearsal (1 day only): 16-20 Dec 2021
Shoot date (Tentative): 22 Dec 2021

There are scripted lines in English.

Profile 1 - Teng
-Family business owner, 50s
-Chinese male Profile 2 - Ros
-Fintech entrepreneur, 40s
-Malay male

Interested applicants please read carefully:

-Send the following to he***@what.productions
No texts or calls please
-Subject header: [Corporate Video Casting - ROLE - Your name]
-Include: Name, age, height, contact details, vax status
-Attach: Recent photos, reel, CV, links to works etc.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Thanks and stay safe!
JingYi Zhou
3 Dec 2021 at 6:27 pm
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