Looking for models

Hi all! SherFilms is looking for talents for a tea beverage commercial video.
Shoot Date: 22 Dec (WED)
All races (ie. CMIO) may apply.
Role: Cheerful and outgoing individual who enjoys time spent with his/her friends indoors and outdoors
Female Talent #1
Screen age: 20s - 30s
Female Talent #2
Screen age: 20s - 30s
Male Talent #1
Screen age: 20s-40s
Male Talent #2
Screen age: 20s-40s
Interested applicants, please email to Pr***@sherfilms.com with the following details by 10 Dec (FRI):
- Email Title: Tea Beverage (Dec 2021)
- Details: Name, Age, Height, Past work Experiences (if any), Vaccination Status
- Contact No.
- Recent photos
Do note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted, thank you!
Ma Xiaoyu
3 дек 2021 в 12:48
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