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Looking for models for a photoshoot
Looking for a HMUA and male model for collab shoot involving an owl in January.
Photographer: instagram.com/di*** Female model: instagram.com/Mi***
Formal theme, on a black background. I've included a photo of the dress and the potential birds. Please DM me on Insta or comment your profile here if interested.
Photographer: instagram.com/di*** Female model: instagram.com/Mi***
Formal theme, on a black background. I've included a photo of the dress and the potential birds. Please DM me on Insta or comment your profile here if interested.
Hiring Hiring Hiring
GO SEE Saturday 8pm
Location SportsBar in Timog ave
I Need 15 Class A+ / S Female Model
Job ...
Оплата: По договоренности
Киев! Для съемки социального ролика ищу парня, желательно светловолосого владеющего языком жестов.
Съёмка 9.12
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Оплата: По договоренности
НУЖНА МОДЕЛЬ из Москвы или где-то поблизости. От 16 до 21.
Для съёмок одежды, рекламы, календарей и т. п. Оплата от ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽