Все кастинги
#Kuala Lumpur
Required models
Looking for talents.
1x Malay
1 x Indian
Usage: CNY MV, Social media (brand)
Age: 20-30+
Good skin
2 days shoot
1 day recording (if applicable)
Must have music background as talents are required to sing / lip sync. (In Chinese)
Knowing how to speak / sing in Chinese is best.
Target shoot date early January.
Payment to be discussed based on skill set.
Please include comcard & previous experience in music video if available.
1x Malay
1 x Indian
Usage: CNY MV, Social media (brand)
Age: 20-30+
Good skin
2 days shoot
1 day recording (if applicable)
Must have music background as talents are required to sing / lip sync. (In Chinese)
Knowing how to speak / sing in Chinese is best.
Target shoot date early January.
Payment to be discussed based on skill set.
Please include comcard & previous experience in music video if available.

Для съемок пре-роллов в Ютуб ищу следующие типажи:
- Мужчина. 30-35 лет. Ухоженный. Комичный простак ...
Оплата: By agreement

Доброе утро. Должны были снимать ролик ещё зимой, но всё перенеслось на осень, поэтому актуализируем запрос) Для съёмки ...
Оплата: By agreement

Москва. Кастинг
Ролик для YouTube.
Смена ориентировочно 17 ноября.
Ищем актёров или моделей.
Молодой человек, игровой ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽