Looking for Hindi-speaking female for a movie

Looking for a lead character for a short movie

TITLE: Preet
WRITER / DIRECTOR: Jayesh Jaidka - Website link here
SHOOT: Non Union
PAY: Copy / credit / meals
DATES: (Tentatively) Jan 14 - 18

Preet - A psychological drama about a newlywed Indian woman, Preet, who escapes the confines of her sexually abusive past
and finds refuge in New York City through her childhood friend, Jugal, only to realise that there's more than meets the eye. CHARACTERS
Preet *Actress must speak Hindi* Female. Preet, an Indian woman who was born and raised in Amritsar, Punjab. Preet comes from an orthodox and humble background, grew up with the values instilled by her parents who believed that women are eventually meant to be married off. Eventually, after a year, Preet, runs away, escaping her patriarchal past and finds herself on a flight to the city of dreams, New York City. LEAD

SUBMISSION DUE: Weds. Nov 10th Midnight.

CONTACT: Laurie | Pr***@gmail.com| Subject Head must include: SIDE REQUEST FOR PREET
Laurie Cft
9 Nov 2021 at 3:01 am
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