Searching for actors

Casting Now: Actors for multiple supporting roles in Los Angeles. Must be local. If you have applied to any of these roles before (as this is an ongoing project) please be advised that your submissions are on file and will be reviewed again for consideration. Please see attachment for role specifics and filming dates. Flat daily rate ($150-$200 per day) Non Union If interested, please send headshots and reels to: Gu***
Ayana Gauntlett
8 Nov. 2021 alle 21:00
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Кастинг моделей для съемок youtube-ролика
ДЛЯ СЪЁМКИ РОЛИКА ДЛЯ YOUTUBE ТРЕБУЮТСЯ МОЛОДОЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК Возраст: 30 - 35 лет Актёр или модель Обязательно игровой ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽
Urgently looking for models
[PAID, URGENT] Hello, Frame by Frame is looking for talents for an upcoming Tiger Beer print shoot. In-person casting ...
Оплата: Per accordo
Looking for actors for film
CASTING CALL FOR SHORT FILM 'WHO ARE WE?' Hi everyone, our team at Castaway Pictures are looking for 2 male actors aged ...
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