Wanted singers

I Can see your voice Tv Production
Singers, musicians wanted.

Production dates:
Beginning 2022 (exact dates TBA)
Well payed: Exact details in the casting process
Please apple on facebook, direct message, with your singing video links.

No matter if you are a professional musician or an aspiring vocal talent: We are looking for singers who are able to turn songs of famous artists into their own songs with their unique voice. * We pay a fee for your performance and cover the travel expenses.
* It is a one-time performance. You sing cover songs and have the chance to sing a duet with a famous star.
* I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE" is NOT a casting / talent show. Your singing will not be judged.

* You are willing to perform cover songs
* You are excited about the unique chance to present your voice to an audience of millions in a big prime-time show.
* You like the medium of television and the interaction with our host and a prominent guessing team.

Your profile
* You are at least 16 years old
* You speak fluent German
Alec Agalarov
8 Nov 2021 at 10:38 pm
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