Все кастинги
Looking for model
Looking for a Haircut model for tomorrow at 12pm. This service is complimentary and is purely to showcase our work following in salon education.
Please refer to the photos - Bob Haircut with curtain bangs. We are located in Woolloongabba! Text for more details
Please refer to the photos - Bob Haircut with curtain bangs. We are located in Woolloongabba! Text for more details

Hi everybody!
I'm doing a nail course at Rejuvi & Beauty Training Academy and looking for models who want Full set ...
Оплата: By agreement

Ищу модель на 9.11-12.11, коммерция, для съемок верхней одежды, примеры фото ниже
Занятость 1-2 часа,
Желательно умение ...
Оплата: By agreement

Looking for female models (All kinds) to work with on Photoshoots and Music Videos. Must be around Pretoria.
Kindly ...
Оплата: By agreement