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Looking for models
Hey everyone I'm part of a Celebrity yacht event
Miami during rolling loud weekend
July 24th
11am to 4pm
Performances, food, drinks, networking
$225 reg
$375 vip
Looking for models, influencer and photographers tfp! If interested please message me on Instagram: geminiqueenjoi_ PERCEPTIVEEVENTS.COM
Coming Events - Perceptive by Princess Va'Shion, LLC
Scheldued to sail Special Celebrity Guests NBA Players, DJ Whoo Kid, Lil Cease, and MORE! Performers $1000 You get to be on the yacht in the VIP section Gift bags Performance Food/open beer and wine bar General ticket $225 Entrance to the yacht Food/2 drinks Networking VIP $375 Entrance to the yacht...
Miami during rolling loud weekend
July 24th
11am to 4pm
Performances, food, drinks, networking
$225 reg
$375 vip
Looking for models, influencer and photographers tfp! If interested please message me on Instagram: geminiqueenjoi_ PERCEPTIVEEVENTS.COM
Coming Events - Perceptive by Princess Va'Shion, LLC
Scheldued to sail Special Celebrity Guests NBA Players, DJ Whoo Kid, Lil Cease, and MORE! Performers $1000 You get to be on the yacht in the VIP section Gift bags Performance Food/open beer and wine bar General ticket $225 Entrance to the yacht Food/2 drinks Networking VIP $375 Entrance to the yacht...
Casting male & female talents Needed! PROJECTCASTING.COM
Online PhotoShoot Audition - Model Jobs - Apply Now! | ...
Оплата: Per accordo
Даты съёмки 5, 6, 7 сентября
Обязательно 3 дня
Для пилотной серии сериала
Мужчины и женщины 20-45 ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽ per turno
Наша группа ищет молодежь 16-18 лет для съёмок в клипе #яздеськлип
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Оплата: Per accordo