Need model for a photoshoot

Need freshers for a catlogue based shoot.If any model is interested then ping me up.(Non paid) Need freshers for a catlogue based shoot.If any model is interested then ping me up.(Non paid)
Dishani Biswas
3 Sep 2021 at 9:13 am
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Need models for a photoshoot
I need "male" and "female "model for" mythology "makeup shoot.male gym toned body mast. Paid -8000 Location ...
Оплата: By agreement
Нужны промо-модели для работы на выставке
Добрый день! Нужны модели на выставку. Рост от 170, размер одежды 42. Москва, ЦВК "Экспоцентр", 13 и 14 сентября, ...
Оплата: 6000 ₽
Urgently require promoters
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