Все кастинги
Looking for African male
CASTING CALL for a short video
paid opportunity
1 attractive African American male actor
age between 25-40
height 5'5 or taller
filming date September 12th
2:30pm Dallas area
Deadline September 5th
Email headshot, resume & 1 minute monologue to rh***@yahoo.com
paid opportunity
1 attractive African American male actor
age between 25-40
height 5'5 or taller
filming date September 12th
2:30pm Dallas area
Deadline September 5th
Email headshot, resume & 1 minute monologue to rh***@yahoo.com

PAID: Casting Call for Models for Movie Poster +6 Rj Montoya 5 ч. Instagram PAID WORK CASTING CALL
Part of making art ...
Оплата: По договоренности

CASTING for a brand NEW show!
Do you know an incredible singer that deserves a second chance at making it? Has life ...
Оплата: По договоренности

Hi everyone I'm looking for a costume designer for my upcoming short film which I'm shooting the last week of September ...
Оплата: По договоренности