Все кастинги
Looking for actors for a movie
*Requirement male and female for Telugu Web movie*
English compulsory
Full Details provide after selection
Releasing Amazon prime
With south star cast
Shoot Location:- chennai Pune Mumbai
Shoot will be soon
Shoot:- 19 day's
Budget is high
Lead female age 20 to 27
2nd lead age 19 to 25
2an lead villain age:- 25 to 35
5 female Dancer
3 male police officer
2 female police officer
2 mother age 35 to 55
Are you interested so 10 pictures full details with whatsapp number calling number and attach your instagram account link then send on whatsapp and gmail
*** st***@gmail.com
*Please no call only whatsapp and gmail*
English compulsory
Full Details provide after selection
Releasing Amazon prime
With south star cast
Shoot Location:- chennai Pune Mumbai
Shoot will be soon
Shoot:- 19 day's
Budget is high
Lead female age 20 to 27
2nd lead age 19 to 25
2an lead villain age:- 25 to 35
5 female Dancer
3 male police officer
2 female police officer
2 mother age 35 to 55
Are you interested so 10 pictures full details with whatsapp number calling number and attach your instagram account link then send on whatsapp and gmail
*** st***@gmail.com
*Please no call only whatsapp and gmail*

Добрый день, нужен фотограф на 23 и 24 июня, снимать на "дне поля" , за подробностями в лс, естественно это не ...
Оплата: By agreement

Для рекламных роликов отеля по 30 с. требуются:
На 13 июля:
1. Симпатичная девушка, европейская внешность, играет ...
Оплата: 4000 ₽ per day

"Тест на отцовство" . Канал Домашний. Съемка - 23, 24 июня.
Роли с текстом. Проф. и непроф. актеры (с опытом ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽