Looking for makeup artists for a photoshoot

Looking for a HAIR & MAKE-UP ARTIST, a SCRIPT SUPERVISOR and a RUNNER for a Short film shoot this Sunday 16th May shooting in Southend-on-sea. Dark and surreal with touches of humour, ACHILLES is being produced as an entry to the Straight8 film competition and will be shot on classic Super 8 film and explores the Achilles Syndrome - sometimes referred to as the fear of failure. Even the heroic Achilles suffers from doubt! As this Short production is low budget, unfortunately we can only offer a credit and all expenses for these roles Eg travel & catering covered. Would suit folks taking their first steps in the industry. However, the production is being managed professionally and we are taking Covid risks seriously. Please email or DM me for more details da***@newindiefilm.com
David Freedman
13 Mag. 2021 alle 21:12
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Для работы на мероприятии требуются девушки со знанием английского языка
Всем привет! На мероприятие 25 мая требуются две девушки СО ЗНАНИЕМ АНГЛИСКОГО, Уровень НЕ НИЖЕ В2/С1! Это очень ...
Оплата: 4800 ₽
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Оплата: 20000 ₽