Wanted pretty female

Hi all! TFP shoot. Date: any weekend starting from 22nd May - 12th June.
Female photographer looking for a female model (makeup artist will work with us too) that would like to update her portfolio. I wanted to test my new NW (Hampstead area, zone 2) "studio" at home, (1st picture) and take some headshots/half body shots. If model would like lingerie shots we can do it as well. I am after very pretty images, similar to your usual model agency online portfolios.
If weather is good, happy to take some outdoor shots as well (Hampstead area). No height, ethnicity, or weight requirement! As long as you think you would add value to my books (and me to yours:) ). You can see some of my previous shots below.

Any questions please let me know.
My instagram:

www.katbronophotography.com +2
Kat Brono
13 мая 2021 в 16:13
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