Все кастинги
#Kuala Lumpur
Looking for male
*地点在 Kuala Lumpur
*RM150酬劳 (On the spot)
*日期 5月9日 2021 星期五 或 5月10日 星期六
若感兴趣请PM我你的Comcard和IG account 我会提供更多详情 谢谢
Looking for a male model to act in a Taobao short video.
*3~4 hours of shooting
*Easy and simple acting
*Location in Kuala Lumpur
*Own attire
*Rm150 pay on the spot
*Content is a hair removal device
*Date 9th May 2021 (Friday) or 10th May (Saturday)
*Chinese speaking Please PM your comcard or IG account or both if you are interested. Thank you.
*地点在 Kuala Lumpur
*RM150酬劳 (On the spot)
*日期 5月9日 2021 星期五 或 5月10日 星期六
若感兴趣请PM我你的Comcard和IG account 我会提供更多详情 谢谢
Looking for a male model to act in a Taobao short video.
*3~4 hours of shooting
*Easy and simple acting
*Location in Kuala Lumpur
*Own attire
*Rm150 pay on the spot
*Content is a hair removal device
*Date 9th May 2021 (Friday) or 10th May (Saturday)
*Chinese speaking Please PM your comcard or IG account or both if you are interested. Thank you.

Всем привет!
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Занятость с 10-11 утра.
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Оплата: 2500 ₽

На рекламный проект требуются актёры.
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Оплата: By agreement

Внимание кастинг!
Провожу кастинг для нового рекламного ролика КФС!
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Оплата: By agreement