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Looking for males for upcoming shooting
[PAID Casting Call] Hi all, we're looking for EXTRAS for an upcoming shoot for a web series. The roles listed below have to be free for the entire period of 5 to 9 April.
1. Waiter x 2 [Screen age: 20s-30s] Gender: Male Race: Any Shoot date: 2-3 days between 5 to 9 April Wardrobe: Must have collared button up white long-sleeve shirt and black pants
2. Party goers x 10 [Screen age: 20s-30s] Gender: Any Race: Any Shoot date: 2-3 days between 5 to 9 April [must be present for all shoot days for conti] Wardrobe: Must have your own gown/suit. Outfit must be look appropriate for a high society engagement party Apply with your friends for this role!
Interested applicants, please email to ch***@jteam.com.sg with the following details and subject header [WP EXTRAS - *role*] Name Age Race Availability Contact No. - Role you're interested in Recent close up and full body photo (no filters, heavy make up) - Outfit that you have for the role
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Thank you!
1. Waiter x 2 [Screen age: 20s-30s] Gender: Male Race: Any Shoot date: 2-3 days between 5 to 9 April Wardrobe: Must have collared button up white long-sleeve shirt and black pants
2. Party goers x 10 [Screen age: 20s-30s] Gender: Any Race: Any Shoot date: 2-3 days between 5 to 9 April [must be present for all shoot days for conti] Wardrobe: Must have your own gown/suit. Outfit must be look appropriate for a high society engagement party Apply with your friends for this role!
Interested applicants, please email to ch***@jteam.com.sg with the following details and subject header [WP EXTRAS - *role*] Name Age Race Availability Contact No. - Role you're interested in Recent close up and full body photo (no filters, heavy make up) - Outfit that you have for the role
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Thank you!

[Paid shoot]
Hi. Shooting Gallery is looking for talents for an upcoming tvc shoot.
We are looking for the following ...
Оплата: By agreement

Внимание Москва
Для детективного сериала "птичка 5"
Конец апреля, середина мая ( дата уточняется )
Требуется проф ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽ per shift

Приглашаем моделей 30+,40+ принять участие в показах на модном событии года MODAS FASHION DAY, которое пройдет ...
Оплата: By agreement