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Need young actors
Coordinators, boy's and other timepass people please stay away from this.
need mumbai based young lean & upmarket look fresher female actress for upcoming south indian for lead role kissing and bold scenes will be there it's a heroine based movie. actress must be ready and comfortable with bold scene and kissing scen in the movie. it's a medium budget movie. interested person can send their details and pics on given whatsapp no.
+91 *** .
need mumbai based young lean & upmarket look fresher female actress for upcoming south indian for lead role kissing and bold scenes will be there it's a heroine based movie. actress must be ready and comfortable with bold scene and kissing scen in the movie. it's a medium budget movie. interested person can send their details and pics on given whatsapp no.
+91 *** .

Для участия в презентации требуется 1 модель, которая готова станцевать танцевальный номер в примерно таком образе, как ...
Оплата: By agreement

Девочки, отзовитесь!
Нужны модели для показа вечерних и свадебных платьев:
1. Рост 160, размер 44 (вечернее платье)
2. ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hi, Im looking for photographer specializing in food restaurant. Send me your portfolio thru email and how much you ...
Оплата: By agreement