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Looking for photographers for outdoor shoot
Hello Everyone! I am looking for a photographer and 2 female models for an outdoor shoot in London. This is for a well established sunglassss company that is rapidly growing. I am looking to use these images for our social media/website.
The shoot will be on Tuesday 30th March - location TBC. It will be a 4 hour day - 11-3pm.
If you're interested, please comment below with your Instagram profile or portfolio and l'll be in touch.
The shoot will be on Tuesday 30th March - location TBC. It will be a 4 hour day - 11-3pm.
If you're interested, please comment below with your Instagram profile or portfolio and l'll be in touch.

Hello everybody,
I am a fashion portrait photographer based in London.
I am looking for a STYLIST to help me for a ...
Оплата: Not paid

Нужно 3 модели для фотосессии сексшопа (18+)
1) (18-30лет) Молодая красивая блондинка, спортивная красивая фигура, 3-4 ...
Оплата: By agreement

Ищем актрису для работы на мероприятие! Нужно будет сыграть неожиданного нагрянувшего родственника. Возраст ...
Оплата: 2500 ₽