Все кастинги
Require models
Require Mumbai based Artists for an upcoming web series! Freshers are welcome
Male x 2 (22-24)(Medium hairs/clean shaven)
Female x 4 (20-22)
Shoot dates between- 1st to 10th April (Any 4 Days) Interested people send your profile on ***
*No Registration fees*
Require Mumbai based Artists for an upcoming web series! Freshers are welcome
Male x 2 (22-24)(Medium hairs/clean shaven)
Female x 4 (20-22)
Shoot dates between- 1st to 10th April (Any 4 Days) Interested people send your profile on ***
*No Registration fees*

+2 Robberta Lazarus Modeling, Events and Acting Jobs in Malaysia Yesterday at 05:54 Greetings everyone,
I have ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hi Ladies, we are looking for a Muslimah model for our SOCIAL MEDIA RAYA CAMPAIGN STUDIO SHOOT.
Please find the ...
Оплата: By agreement

На завтра 21 марта для съемок в мини-сериале в стиле КИБЕР-ПАНК требуется МУЗЫКАНТ СО СВОЕЙ ЭЛЕКТРОГИТАРОЙ. ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽