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Looking for males for a photoshoot
Hi guys, I'm a professional model (5'9, size 8, >6 yrs exp) based in London. I've been out of work for ages now and I'm dying to work! Haha. Send me your agencies that you're working with or know are good, let's exchange contacts!
P.S. I haven't updated my portfolio in a while now as well so looking for TFP shoots as well. I'd love to do some collab studio shoots with MUAs and stylists. How's up for it whenever we can? Let's gather a team and shoot a bit!
Hope everyone's keeping sane and at least a little bit hopeful for the nearest future, haha! +9
P.S. I haven't updated my portfolio in a while now as well so looking for TFP shoots as well. I'd love to do some collab studio shoots with MUAs and stylists. How's up for it whenever we can? Let's gather a team and shoot a bit!
Hope everyone's keeping sane and at least a little bit hopeful for the nearest future, haha! +9

Looking for 3 freelance black female models for a hair collection shoot:)
I'm the photographer, feel free to contact ...
Оплата: By agreement

*PHOTOGRAPHER & MUA NEEDED (ideally be able to do hair as well)*
Hey guys, I'm a signed model looking for ...
Оплата: By agreement

На видео съемку
Нужен мальчик 10-12 лет весёлый активный! Без комплексов, игровой. Могу рассмотреть и 9 лет
Съёмка в ...
Оплата: By agreement