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#Los Angeles
Looking for models for a photoshoot
*posting for a friend
Short notice! We're looking for background extras for a North Hollywood shoot tomorrow morning (3.14.21) at 6am. Please come dressed as if you will be attending an award show. Rate, $75 cash at end of day for about 6hrs. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. We will be Covid testing everybody on site rapid test let me know
If interested please email or text:
(919) 491-7859
Short notice! We're looking for background extras for a North Hollywood shoot tomorrow morning (3.14.21) at 6am. Please come dressed as if you will be attending an award show. Rate, $75 cash at end of day for about 6hrs. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. We will be Covid testing everybody on site rapid test let me know
If interested please email or text:
(919) 491-7859

Адрес: г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта, 120Б
12 000 ₽
+7 903 078-68-95
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Оплата: 12000 ₽

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